
Rabbi Dr. Jason Weiner, BCC


Thomas M. Priselac

Chair's Greeting

James Lippman

President's Remarks

Thomas M. Priselac

Dean's Address

Shlomo Melmed, MD, ChB

Vice Dean's Address

Jeffrey A. Golden, MD

Announcement of Degrees —


Master of Health Delivery Science, Master of Science in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Program and Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical and Translational Science


Introduced and Presented by

Jeffrey A. Golden, MD

Conferring of Degrees

Shlomo Melmed, MD, ChB

David L. Rimoin Teaching Excellence Award


Presented by

Jeffrey A. Golden, MD

The Prize for Research in Scientific Medicine


Introduced by

David Underhill, PhD


Shlomo Melmed, MD, ChB